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Orphan and Widow Care
Education & Training

Helping the Poorest to Survive and Thrive

Our Projects

Bring the Good News

Rebuild communities

Orphan and Widow Care

Because of AIDS, Malaria, and other diseases, Malawi has many widows and orphans.  If we support widows so they can care for orphans, we help build families and communities.


We build facilities for orphans and widows and we feed them. Our goal is to teach them to grow their own food and help them learn about healthy nutrition and hygiene to reduce the unnecessary spreading of diseases.


Currently, our programs are run as day programs and our goal is to establish a local cooperative where orphans and widows sell food they grow and products they make.


Once the children get healthier and stronger, they can attend our school and/or training programs and eventually be able to support themselves and “their” widows.

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