Helping people, help themselves in Malawi!
Jesus, unlike the founder of any other faith, holds out hope for the ordinary human life. Our future is not an ethereal, impersonal form of consciousness. We will not float through the air, but rather will eat, embrace, sing, laugh and dance in the kingdom of God, in degrees of power, glory and joy that we can't at present imagine. (Keller).
Village Counsel Meeting!
Exciting times as the bakery and store is self-sustaining and the grinding mill is on it's way!
Our Bright Vision Orphanage Solar complex is on schedule! This will be the first of 3 transforming framework prototypes that will root out strategies in communities such as Bright Vision Orphan Care, God has ordained. Shifting away from the needs of the poor to a call to build on what the poor already have - willing hearts and minds that just need opportunity. I believe this Christ- centered journey we are all on at H20 will help us follow Jesus in a genuine "teach a man to fish" transforming love.
The project will be completed by the first quarter of 2018 by H20 Malawi trained local workers. The lead builder is Pastor Charles Msukwa. We are strategic looking for the next two locations in Malawi.
Working on what the community has built-up so far, this solar complex will complete the vision of Christ-centered self-sufficiency. The BV1 project will include 3 Worlds First components ! A Bright Vision Solar Corn mill, Solar Bakery and Solar Walk-in Cooler. The corn mill will be sized for the crop size of Chamandenga area. The bakery will remove the need for wood (in a deforested environment) . The walk-in cooler will be for meat, dairy and vegetables. The Solar farm will have over 6,000 watts of power with battery backup to use for future community projects. Bright Vision Solar will train the local community in use, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting of all systems. Parts will be available at Bright Vision's Solar Lilongwe warehouse.
Please check out
to see the specs on this project.
Huge Thanks to the H20 supporters who made this happen!!!